Peace, Love, Flags… and Ground War???

“Mounting a ground war against anti-vaxxers.”

This Boston Globe editorial quotes a Vermont State employee. Does the State of Vermont endorse such language, which portends violence against a group of citizens?

Just one week after US Marine Gen. Robert Neller warned that a conflict with North Korea could involve an exceptionally bloody ground war, the Boston Globe quietly printed an editorial, titled:  “Mounting a ground war against anti-vaxxers.”

This Globe editorial quotes a Vermont State employee and concludes by saying that , “Wise state policy, micro-targeted toward local schools and communities, is the best remedy for anti-vax luddites… who are noisy peddlers of a conspiracy-centric belief system that’s more akin to religious zeal than science.

A “ground war” against those who have vaccine safety concerns? Against those who choose alternate pathways to wellness? Against those who watched their children’s health demise after shots?

See: Vaccine Consumer Injury Testimonials Recorded in Burlington, Vermont.

Ground War. This is not something to be taken lightly. Is this the sort of image that Vermont wishes to associate itself with, as state employees, working with the CDC and pharma, attempt to convince more Vermonters to take a flu shot, or to vaccinate their babies to get them into daycare – or else?

It will be a very, very kinetic, physical, violent fight over some really, really tough ground and everybody is going to have to be mentally prepared,” said  Neller, as quoted by CNN.

No kidding.

Although the editorial title was chosen by the Boston Globe, we would like to know:

Does the State of Vermont endorse such language, which portends violence against a group of citizens?

We would also like to know whether our health department played a role in this editorial. And: why are the Vermont data quoted in the article not available to the general public?   We are growing tired of being stonewalled by the Vermont Department of Health.

So, on the very same day that many community members were raising a (political) flag in honor of the fact that ALL OF US MATTER, we sent a letter to the Governor. Here is a copy of the 2/2/2018 letter I wrote on behalf of our group. For the record – we agree that black lives do matter. Just look at the work we have undertaken to get people to understand the revelations of the CDC Whistleblower, Dr. William Thompson.

On February 6, 2018  the “Immunization Program 2017 Annual Report” suddenly appeared on the  website. The report was supposed to be delivered by January 15, 2018 to the Legislature, but it does not appear anywhere on the list of the Legislature’s “reports due.” It got posted on Feb. 6th to the website but was never delivered to the legislature. Why not?
Of note: The most recent (2017/2018) “Child Care – Annual Immunization Survey” and “K-12 Public and Independent Schools – Annual Immunization Report” remain missing, despite the fact  they would have been needed to write the annual report that was released. Where are the data?
In 2014, the Vermont Health Department openly schemed about “using data to your advantage.” Perhaps withholding data from the public will give “them” (who supposedly work for “us”) some sort of advantage in the ground war??? 
Aside from the new report appearing on the website (thanks!), Governor Scott’s office sent a bland and impotent response on February 8th.
Thank you for reaching out to express your concerns over the recent Boston Globe editorial,the staffer wrote.  “As we understand, Commissioner Levine has also received your inquiry, and the Department of Health we be in touch with you to address your concerns.”
The letter was unsigned.

We look forward to hearing more from Dr. Levine. Perhaps he is just slightly more outraged.

For the record, we did not start this “war” that is apparently being waged. We were (all of us – unvaccinated, vaccine injured, partly vaccined, those many not even thinking one iota about vaccines, etcetera) –  living, quietly, happily, peacefully and healthfully, here in our beloved state – until were were attacked by zealots who care only about killing natural health options while delivering more drugs to more people in an effort to make more money faster.

May peace be with you in these troubling times.


~ Jennifer Stella