October 6, 2017: Without liability – should there be mandates in the first place?

Don’t forget, you still have the religious exemption – you don’t need a letter from your pastor or from your rabbi or wherever, if you claim that you, that your religion doesn’t allow you vaccinate, then that gets you out of it.” 
– Vermont Governor Peter Shumlin,  May 18, 2015


This fall marks the second school year in which Vermont’s parents are being blocked from filing “philosophical objections” to Vermont’s ever-expanding mandatory vaccine schedule. Vermont parents with vaccine concerns, who are not “fully vaccinating on schedule,” must now sign a religious exemption form and “attest to holding religious beliefs opposed to immunizations.” The form requires them to acknowledge they have reviewed “evidence-based educational material provided by the Vermont Department of Health.”

This “evidence-based” material is devoid of adequate scientific references to support its claims and does not fulfill Vermont law, which requires that the information include, “information about the risk of adverse reactions.” Instead, the material reads like a pharmaceutical advertisement, minus the required warnings.

The facts show that vaccines do come with risks of “adverse reactions.” That is why we are petitioning for an administrative hearing at the health department.

The facts:

Thanks to an act of Congress that went into effect in 1988, drug companies and vaccine doctors face no liability for harm their vaccines may cause: As long as their products are properly labeled and accompanied by adequate warning.

No liability – but the warnings are thereVaccine manufacturers (pharmaceutical companies) provide consumer product warnings inside “package inserts” for each vaccine. In the US, the FDA regulates the contents of these “package inserts” and lists them here. These are the prescribing information leaflets that come with the product to the doctor or health department office.

From these FDA regulated package inserts, one can plainly see that there is evidence of severe, life threatening side effects or, in some cases the risks have not been evaluated, for every vaccine approved by the CDC and required by the Vermont Department of Health.

Excerpts from package inserts

(Read more here)

  • “Deaths have been reported following vaccination with measles, mumps, and rubella vaccines; however, a causal relationship has not been established in healthy individuals.” – Merck, ProQuad Package Insert, 2017.
  • “Death from various, and in some cases unknown, causes has been reported rarely following vaccination with measles, mumps, and rubella vaccines; however, a causal relationship has not been established in healthy individuals.” – Merck MMR II Package Insert, 2017.
  • “Deaths have been reported in temporal association with the administration of IPV.”  – Sanofi-Pasteur Ipol Package Insert, 2017.
  • “Long-term studies in animals to evaluate carcinogenic potential or impairment of fertility have not been conducted.” – Sanofi-Pasteur Ipol Package Insert, 2017.

Check the facts for yourself

Here is a compilation of the latest testing and links to the prescribing information (package inserts), including adverse reaction warnings, for each and every vaccine.
– See also: Introduction to Vaccine Safety Science & Policy in the United States, a white-paper from the Informed Consent Action Network.

The Vermont Department of Health website prominently says, ”

“Parents should be able to make informed decisions based on accurate information.”

We agree. There is no excuse for failing to warn consumers and parents.

That is why Vermont has always protected the right to moral (philosophical) and religious “exemptions” to mandatory vaccine policies.
Without liability, should there be mandate in the first place?