November, 2013

ladylibertyHappy Thanksgiving…. and to our Veterans: We thank you for your courage, skill, bravery and life.

Let us hope that our country will stop its violence and aggression.

***and IN THE NEWS

  • Can Vaccines Cause Immune Dysfunction Resulting in Allergies, Asthma and Anaphylaxis? (read more…)
  • Natural Immunity. Not defective after all ..Infant immune systems set on low to encourage microbiome growth (story)
  • Newer whooping cough vaccine safer, but not as effective (Reuters)

“The philosophical exemption to vaccination was saved because enough citizens in Vermont woke up to the very real threat posed by multi-national corporations, which have no restrictions on the aggressive marketing of liability-free vaccine products they want every American to be legally required to buy and use. Once Vermonters saw the threat, they did not sit back and let their informed consent rights be taken from them. Because they fought for their health liberty, they became an inspiration to all Americans, who want to be free to make informed, voluntary health choices.”