In 2015, we advocated at the statehouse to preserve our rights, many times.

Kennedy in Vermont: “Big Pharma’s game plan is to remove parental informed consent”
(2015 video)

February, 2015 (gallery below): Witnessing the press conference, jointly held by the AAP and March of Dimes, calling to advance mandatory vaccination of daycare, school and colllege kids without parental exemption. Seen are the medical industry lobbyists coordinating the effort. The event was timed to coincide with the visit of a young class of schoolchildren who came through the room. The doctor who spoke pointed out that he had measles as a kid, but that times have changed, and he now wants to stop other children from getting measles in childhood. One lobbyist spoke, comparing measles to ebola. Rep. Buxton, who spoke in support of full mandatory vaccination without parental exemption rights, works for Building Bright Futures, an organization working in partnership with (created by? funded by?) the AAP.

March 2015: At UVM Med Ctr, where Jennifer Stella had been invited to debate Dr. Robert MacCauley. – but after she accepted the invitation, organizers told her they had decided to, “go in a different direction.” The debate was turned into a forum where Dr. Rebecca Bell and Dr. MacCauley presented to medical students, their case for “why Vermont Coalition is wrong” and why mandatory vaccination without parental exemption should be normalized.

In April 2015, a sneak amendment to advance mandatory vaccination without parental exemption is attached to another bill in the 11th hour. Monitoring Senate proceedings advocates watched with dismay as drug industry and AAP lobbyists rejoiced. A decision was made to hold a hearing – as long as PARENTS are not included. I refuse to hear any more stories about rashes, says Senator Claire Ayer.

May 5, 2015: Vermont House holds a hearing, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. testifies against mandatory vaccination. VCVC holds a press conference afterwards.