“Local Mandates” to be Enabled by the Vermont Legislature???

Mask mandates are currently being discussed at the Vermont legislature. The goal appears to be to enable towns to pass their own, spreading police power out to select boards. If enabled, mask mandates will pave the way for “vaccine” mandates, and “passports.” This is why we must stand now, against mandates, and for health and medical freedom.

Recap of what we learned today:

The Senate Committee on Government Operations met today (list of participants here; video part 1 / part 2 here).

Officially this was an “off record” session… (Please read this summary of concerns in testimony from B. Moore, here*)

You can see who participated in the process today, on the videos (linked below), and read what was submitted, here.

The first bill draft appears to be a template that came over from Governor Scott’s Chief Counsel Jaye Johnson, and was discussed for hours by the committee. The committee then drafted another bill. And they discussed some amendments that might scare you.

One main question is: How would this all be enforced? Well, here is the Statute on Enforcement (24 VSA 1974 (a)). Please read and tell folks they should ask if their legislator feels this is an appropriate response to Not wearing a mask at the gas station to buy a coffee? 

Senator White and committee discussed the fact that amendments are possible and will happen and that they likely will still be there Friday… that in fact anyone can introduce anything even a statewide mandate.

Several amendments – including triggers on mandates depending on data being fed by state to towns – seeking consistency with CDC.

TESTIMONY / NO PUBLIC INPUT IS BEING PLANNED FOR… Senator White to constituents: “We are not taking testimony on anything except the bill before us which would give permission to towns to explore the evidence and determine whether or not they would like to require masks.  We are not considering the issues of mask effectiveness or non effectiveness, vaccines, or the virus itself.  If you would like to submit something written you can send to gcarrigan@leg.state.vt.us

A lot of talk was over the data that will be provided to towns to make decisions…using “trigger thresholds”

Action needed this weekend: Send emails (use the one click here)
Where is the due process?

Where is the voice of the people?

Ask for a phone call back, and/or a face to face meeting

If you are a healthcare provider, lawyer, school board to select board member, a business owner or just a regular person against mandates – please ask to testify!! To do this, please email the Commiittee Clerk at:  gcarrigan@leg.state.vt.us with your one-page written, factual testimony and ask that it be placed on the record. 

Talking points:

  • This is a human rights issue and a consent issue.
  • No mandates should ever be implemented, anywhere.
  • I am a constituent and extremely concerned about the one-way lack of due process.
  • Mask mandates will lead to “vaccine” mandates and passports.
  • The masks and vaccines have only increased the cases.
  • – add your key points but be brief, polite and ask for a telephone call at the end of your letter/message!

Action Needed Monday: SHOW UP AT THE STATEHOUSE!!! 10:30-2:30 PLUS: Call & Leave a Message for Your Senators at the State House at: (802) 828-2228 and say:

Hi My name is XXXX from (X Town)

I’d like to leave a message for my Senator (name).
“Vote NO on mandates, yes on freedom.”
Please deliver this message to my legislators. 

I’d like a call back at (leave your phone number)

You can find your legislators here: Take Action – Health Choice Vermont (healthchoicevt.com)